Introduction Scientists in the Asian region have long recognized that exploitation of their biological resources, notably medicinal plants, has rarely been of direct benefit to either Asian scientists or the economic development of the region. |
Concerning The Ethical Utilization of Asian biological resources Developed at the Seventh Asian Symposium on Medicinal Plants, Spices and Other Natural Products (ASOMPS VII) which was held in Manila, Philippines from 2 to 7 February 1992 and was attended by 283 scientists from 31 countries.
Code of Ethics for Foreign Collectors of Biological Samples [ Appendix 1 ]
The reference document was developed at the Botany 2000 Herbarium Curation Workshop he!d in Perth, Western Australia, 15 to 19 October 1990. It was modified in April 1992 to cover other biological material.
The foreign collector should:
CONTRACT GUIDELINES [ APPENDIX 2 ] ASOMPS s VII recognizes that there is considerable variation in the levels of technical expertise for the development of new natural products in the region. There is also recognition that every effort should be made to reduce dependency by developing countries on technology held by developed countries. However, in the short-term, efficient development of new natural products may involve sharing of biological resources and technology between developed countries and the countries of origin.